Our 2025 festival will be held From
Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd Feb 2025
Performers details are found via this link
In addition to our Facebook page We are now on twitter and Instagram
Twitter @scda_edinburgh and Instagram as scda_edinburgh
Please follow us via the links below
Do you have a production coming up?
Can the SCDA help publicise your production?
We are happy to share details on all our Social Media channels and our website,
please feel free to share any details with us.
We are also offering an advert in this years One Act Programme for anyone who is interested.
For a nominal fee of £20 we will include an advert for your group/production.
Space will obviously be limited but if you are interested in taking out an advert,
please let us have the artwork via :-
as soon as possible and we will do our best to include it.
Payment can be made at a later date once we have confirmed the advert.
Please use the contact form below
if you wish any informatio
SCDA Library - News Up date
reopening. soon at
Argyll Court, Castle Business Park,
Stirling FK9 4TT
From 1 April 2025 Trustees of clubs or groups set up to provide activity for young people or children as one of its main purposes are now considered regulated roles and a PVG scheme
record will be required.
National News
please visit the national web site
For information
Please use email if possible :-
Our address is:
Scottish Community Drama Association
Stirling Enterprise Park
John Player Building
Telephone 07407 38708
Please let me know what you think, spot an error, need to update something, or hit a problem,
Send email to Webmaster