We can provide our members and clubs with the following:

  • Assistance with appeals of props, costumes, actors etc.
  • Advice on paper work, technical matters ,                                                                                         and other drama related issue's
  • Assistance with publicity for members’ shows

Using  , the web site or social media


As well as the district festivals (Open and Youth)

We also take our turn in organising both the Divisional and Scottish finals and provide support for the UK finals when held in our district.

National Script Library -


New scripts can be ordered through headquarters using Discount Script Purchasing Service. 

click for details

Edinburgh District  has  The Liz Willis Fund which was established to help with training issues .  If your club would like a workshop to improve your production, or any other training issues, do get in touch with the District Committee.

The National Drama Advisor is also there to facilitate the development of club members - use her services too .

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have need of our services.

For all other requests please contact us using the form on the front page

National Drama Advisor