Teams technical page B

You can access all information for the festival on this page

Updates to forms and guidelines, :

Please note only the newest forms should be used and any old copies discarded to prevent confusion The link Below takes you to the SCDA national website where copies of all relevant forms and the SCDA marking scheme can be obtained from the link below

F1 Returns email link

We have a cut off date for items for the programme

                                (second Saturday in January)11 January 2025.

By this date we will need you to have completed the remainder of your entry forms - pages 4 - 9 of the Entry Form.

Please don't leave it till the last minute, if you can let me know as soon as possible then it makes the programme easier.

We will also require a finalised Set Plan and SFX/LFX plots.

Please also make sure that you have supplied me with 2 original copies of the scripts being performed by at least the end of the 3rd week of January (cut off date25th January).

Original scripts must be supplied - photocopies are not allowed.

Only scripts coming from online publishers are acceptable in electronic format.

As always, please bear in mind that we have 8 entrants for the Festival and we may not be able to accomodate ALL special requests, so wherever possible, our advice is to keep it simple :-)

Al Brown

Festival Secretary

on behalf of Edinburgh District

If you require any help or advice with the paper work please use the contact us form and we will get someone to help you 


Please be aware that forms can change  please check you are using the current forms at all times

Scott salver entries please see

   Technical meeting

      Clubs should ensure by the time of the technical meeting they have

  1. Arranged permissions, and rites for their performances
  2. Accurate Set plans, (Please include dimensions l,w,h. & weight  for scenery )
  3. A props list
  4. Copies of any licences (firearms etc.)
  5. Basic Lighting plot, please advise of any flashing lighting
  6. Sound effects plot, note copyrite may apply to music and sound effects                                    

                             These should be available for discussion at this meeting.

                             Please forward to the technical team in advance