2016 Scottish Final

SCDA Scottish Final

The SCDA 2016 Scottish Final

Eight of the best one-act plays from 4 Divisions performed over three nights:
Church Hill Theatre
21st April – 23rd April 2016
Curtain up 7pm Adjudicator: Russell Whiteley

Thurs 21st April

Highland - Dingwall Players with ‘Picnic on the Battlefield’ by Fernando Arrabal      

Eastern - Leitheatre with ‘Audience’ by Michael Frayn 

Western - Crossmichael Drama Club with ‘27 Wagons Full of Cotton’ by Tennessee Williams

Fri 22nd April

Highland -Lochcarron with ‘Cruise Missile’ by Jean McConnell  

Eastern - Killin Drama Club with ‘Into The Mist’ by Helen Wyngard     

Northern - Ad Hoc, Orkney with ‘Degas C'est Moi’ by David Ives

Saturday 23rd April

Western - Greenock Players with ‘The Sociable Plover’ by Tim Whitnall         

Northern - Studio Theatre Group with ‘A Bench at the Edge’ by Luigi Jannuzzi  

The winner of the 2016 Scottish Final and respresting Scotland in the

2016 British Final at Sherman Theatre, Cardiff

Studio Theatre Group with ‘A Bench at the Edge’ by Luigi Jannuzzi