SCDA 2023 Scottish Final

The Scottish 1-Act open festival 2023:

Was held this year at the

Macrobert Arts Centre

A multi-arts venue located on the main campus

of the University of Stirling, Scotland.

Adjudicator:  Jennifer Scott-Reid

The teams representing there Divisions are

Representing the Eastern Division:

Bowhouse Drama - The Sociable Plover by Tim Whitnall

Leslie Amateur Drama Club - Close To Croydon by Gillian Plowman

Representing the Western Division:

88 Theatre - Happy Jack (Abridged) by John Godber

Kirkintilloch Players - Beaches of St Valery by Stuart Hepburn

Representing the Northern Division:

Bon Accord Players - Zoo Story by Edward Albee

Palace Players - Sequence of Events by George MacEwan Green

Representing the Highland Division:

Wick Players - Spring Cleaning by Ian Matheson

The Florians -  with Super Seniors Keep Fit Class by Fiona Black


  1. Wheatley Tassie (First):

    Kirkintilloch Players - Beaches of St Valery by Stuart Hepburn

  2. Jim Porteous Trophy (Second):                                   

    88 Theatre - Happy Jack (Abridged) by John Godber

  3. David Baxter Salver (Third):  dind                                  

    Bon Accord Players - Zoo Story by Edward Albee

Connie Fisher Trophy (Highest marks in direction):         

Kirkintilloch Players - Beaches of St Valery by Stuart Hepburn

Donald T Farmer Trophy (Best theatrical moment):  

Bon Accord Players - Zoo Story by Edward Albee

Grampian Television Trophy (Best stage decor):                                        

Palace Players - Sequence of Events by George MacEwan Green

Glen McKemmie Trophy (Scottish life and character):                                        

Kirkintilloch Players - Beaches of St Valery by Stuart Hepburn

Scott Salver (Best original script):

 Everybody’s Dying to meet you, by Alan Richardson ( for the fourth time)
                                                    presented by St. Kentigern’s youth theatre at Edinburgh district

Dunmore Trophy (Poster competition winner):

St. Serf's Players :- Wife after death

Progressing through to the 2023 British Final

Kirkintilloch Players - Beaches of St Valery by Stuart Hepburn