Clubs /Teams that took part were
St Serfs Players
A Dummy Run Comedy
Queen Margaret University Team 1
èisd ri glaodh na feannag Drama
( listen to the crow's cry)
Edinburgh People’s Theatre (#)
The Holiday Comedy
Edinburgh Makars
Fool's Errand Comedy
Queen Margaret University Team 2
And There He Was, Like Another - One of the Fishes
Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group
Being Norweigan Drama
Queen Margaret University Team 3
The Waiting Room Drama
St. Kentigern’s Academy Youth Theatre
Career Day Comedy
The trophies competed for Edinburgh District 2025
WINNER - Edith Forbes Trophy :
Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group
RUNNERS UP-Mrs Charles Rowland Cup :
St. Serf’s Players
Third Place:
Queen Margaret University 1
Forth Place*:
The Edinburgh Makars
* St kentigern's YT actually placed 4th but due to an administrative issue were denied the opertunity to compeate at the Open festival . The Edinburgh committee appologies for this and hope this will not deter this excilent team from entering in the future
Highest Marks for Production:
Best Stage Presentation:
Highest Marks in Acting:
All went to :- Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group
Youth Winners:
St. Kentigern’s Academy Youth Theatre
Best Moment in Theatre: :- St. Serf’s Players
Audience Awards:
Thursday: QMU Team 1
Friday: Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group
Saturday: St. Kentigern’s Academy Youth Theatre
Progressing to the Eastern Divisional Final*
Edinburgh Graduate theatre group
St Serif's players
and The Edinburgh Makars
Progressing to the Eastern Divisional Youth Final
St. Kentigern’s Academy Youth Theatre