Club events

Please be aware of a scam that has begun appearing on Facebook.

The profile comments on Club pages posts about ending up with extra tickets they are now unable to use and are looking to sell them on. They ask you to PM them and to like their comment.

They then ask for payment then claim it didn't come through so ask you to pay again using a different method of payment . And you still don't get tickets

Tickets should only be purchased from the sources listed on the advert and a

If you do end up with extra tickets to contact the club for advice

                    Local Theatre Company Announces Platinum Season
                         EGTG celebrates 70 years of amateur theatre in Edinburgh

                                                             Local amateur theatre company, Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group (EGTG), will                                                       celebrate 70 years of producing theatre in 2024, with a bumper season of theatrical                                             productions, drama workshops, and more.

                                                            EGTG was first started in 1954 by alumni of the Edinburgh University Dramatic Society, and has gone on to become one of Edinburgh’s most respected amateur theatre companies, presenting a versatile catalogue of challenging contemporary work through to crowd-pleasing classics. 

EGTG will present two plays at the Edinburgh Fringe 2024, the first of which will be the oft-overlooked The Ruffian on the Stair by Joe Orton
And the UK premiere of A Singular Deception, written and directed by Hilary Spiers

Following these with  Dangerous Corner by J.B. Priestley in the autumn.

You've probably seen that EGTG has been auditioning for Dangerous Corner and they still need to find two, for the roles of

Gordon, who's in his 20s, highly strung

Robert, who's ideally late 30s or early 40s but we can stretch that,

Full details are on interested should either contact EGTG ( or me directly

To close the year, EGTG returns to its roots with a large ensemble play to celebrate the festive season.

Away from the stage EGTG will run a series of events celebrating 70 years of theatre in Edinburgh, including a series of devising workshops, an exhibition, and more.

To stay up to date with all of EGTG’s platinum plans, visit and sign up to receive news updates.